Salesforce Essentials


Salesforce Essentials helps small businesses quickly get started and grow with the #1 CRM solution.

  • Start Instantly
    Get up and running in minutes on sales and support, with hands-on coaching and in-app help.
  • Deliver Faster Support
    Personalize every conversation and engage with customers on any channel
  • Work from Anywhere
    Give your team the tools to collaborate from anywhere and drive business success
  • Sell Smarter
    Track every deal and view each stage of your sales cycle to be sure you never miss a lead.

“For small businesses, having a place where we can keep things easy, simple, and clutter-free is always appealing. Salesforce Essentials gives us this place where we can also do multiple tasks and do them well.”
Meggie Palmer Founder and CEO PepTalkHer

The Customer Relationship Management tool Made for Small Business

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